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The Learning Agenda

“We have to do 10% more than yesterday just to stay where we are”, one of my colleagues told me passionately. Agreed, the 10% number is debatable; but there is truth to what he meant. There is high inflation everywhere around us, and I am not talking about money. The technology world is moving at a breakneck speed and is penetrating every industry at an unprecedented rate. The skill which was unique last month is common today and will very likely be obsolete in next few months. Tools are becoming easier, and hence the entry barrier is going down. The need for continuous learning is felt more acutely than ever before.

More and more people are realizing it every day. The unsaid question in the statement above is not “what should I do”. It is more of “how do I learn new things fast enough”. And, that is a question where I used to struggle a lot. Eventually, I figured out that, what we need is a framework to tell us what to learn, and a schedule to tell us when to learn. Here is my version of how to go about it - The Learning Agenda.

In order to be successful in any profession, we need the following three things

1. Learn new skills

2. Acquire new knowledge

3. Improve habits

So, what to learn can be broken down to these three questions - which skills, what knowledge and which habits

For example, let's consider that you want to re-skill yourself in artificial intelligence as a technology. Here is how you build the learning agenda around it

Step 1: Identify the things you want to achieve in each of these areas.

So, for artificial intelligence, it will be something like,

1. Learn new skills: Learn python, Tensorflow

2. Acquire new knowledge: Learn basic statistics

3. Improve personal effectiveness: Read AI related blogs regularly

Step 2: Convert step 1 into SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) goals.

I use the following table to get to SMART goals.

Step 3: Decide what you will accomplish by end of this week.

The biggest hurdle in achieving most goals is that they have a deadline which is a bit far. So, most of us end up procrastinating. Invariably some other urgent work item kicks in and we lose track. So, the best thing that you can do for achieving the learning goal is to identify what you will finish this week.

Step 4: Start working on the weekly accomplishment.

Once you are done with achieving milestones for this week, go to next week and repeat.

This process is as effective for non-technical goals as well. For example, you want to learn how to take care of a new-born baby. Ask the same set of questions,

1.Which skills should I learn - changing a diaper, putting a baby to sleep...

2.What knowledge should I acquire - “What to expect…” set of books...

3. What habits should I change - sleeping habit, hygiene habits,...

The key, however, is not the process itself.

Key is to create the learning agenda and keep creating it, again and again, every so often.

If you want to get started on learning, spend 30 minutes to fill the learning agenda for yourself. Here is a handy statement for you to get started.

Disclaimer: This all things which I mentioned in this blog is just my opinion.I am not responsible for any loss arising out of any information, post or opinion appearing on this blog.

Author: Prathamesh Kakaria

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